Results for 'Rafaelo Schmitt Faccini'

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    Autopresentazione.Rafaelo Franchini - 1985 - Filosofia Oggi 8 (4):627-640.
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  2. Veritá e libertà.Rafaelo Franchini - 1985 - Filosofia Oggi 8 (1):79-86.
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    Raízes mistagógicas da liturgia cristã.Thiago Aparecido Faccini - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):262-273.
    Mystagogy and the Mystagogic method used by the Holy Fathers has been studied by theology, catechesis and liturgy, becoming an inspiration and model for christian education, especially in liturgical and sacramental theology. Mystagogy is the art of leading the faithful into the celebrated mystery, revealing it through each rite, gesture and symbol. The celebration itself provides codes and keys to enable the catechumens, neophytes and faithful to discover, little by little, the mystery that is celebrated there. The aim of this (...)
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    Carl Schmitt - Briefwechsel mit einem seiner Schüler.Carl Schmitt - 2019 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Carl Schmitt (1888–1985), Professor für Staats- und Völkerrecht, bewegt nach wie vor die Gemüter. Die Reaktion auf seine Schriften, Handlungen und Ausstrahlungen ist vielfältig; die Spanne reicht von entrüsteten, für die er der Teufel in Person bleibt, über viele Zwischenstufen bis zu jenen Lesern, die ihn für einen der subtilsten, noch keineswegs ausgeloteten Geistern dieses Jahrhunderts halten. Sein Leben lang war Carl Schmitt ein passionierter Schreiber von Briefen. Meist handelte es sich um handschriftlich verfasste, die für den Schreibenden (...)
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    Carl Schmitt's early legal-theoretical writings: Statute and judgment and the Value of the state and the significance of the individual.Carl Schmitt - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Lars Vinx, Samuel Garrett Zeitlin & Carl Schmitt.
    Carl Schmitt and the Problem of the Realization of Law 1. The famous pithy aphorisms that Carl Schmitt used to open his major works - 'the sovereign is he who decides on the exception', 'the concept of the state presupposes the concept of the political', etc. - have become a part of the common discourse of contemporary scholarship on politics and the law. The theoretical framework that animates these slogans, however, has remained somewhat opaque. It has often been (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Interrogation of Carl Schmitt by Robert Kempner (I).Carl Schmitt - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (72):97-129.
    Kempner. You do not have to testify, Professor Schmitt, if you do not want to, and if you think you are incriminating yourself. But if you do testify, then I would be grateful if you would be absolutely truthful, would neither conceal nor add anything. Is that your wish? Schmitt: Yes, of course. Kempner: And if I come to something you might find self-incriminating, you can simply say you prefer to remain silent. Schmitt: I have already been (...)
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  7. Carl Schmitt and federalism.Carl Schmitt - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 122:48-58.
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  8. Carl Schmitt hysteria in the us: The case of bill Scheuerman.Carl Schmitt - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 91:99-107.
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    Festschrift für Carl Schmitt zum 70. Geburtstag: dargebracht von Freunden und Schülern.Carl Schmitt - 1959
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  10. The Concept of the Political.Carl Schmitt - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this work, legal theorist and political philosopher Carl Schmitt argues that liberalism's basis in individual rights cannot provide a reasonable justification for sacrificing oneself for the state.
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    Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty.Carl Schmitt & Tracy B. Strong - 1985 - University of Chicago Press.
    Written in the intense political and intellectual tumult of the early years of the Weimar Republic, Political Theology develops the distinctive theory of sovereignty that made Carl Schmitt one of the most significant and controversial ...
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    Stability and Justification in Hume’s Treatise, Another Look- A Response to Erin Kelly, Frederick Schmitt, and Michael Williams.Frederick F. Schmitt - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (2):339-404.
    In Stability and Justification in Hume’s Treatise, Louis Loeb ascribes to Hume a naturalistic account of justified belief, one on which Hume is fundamentally concerned with the question whether stable belief can be achieved. Loeb’s interpretation is systematic, richly explanatory, and powerfully argued. He makes a compelling case that stability plays a central role in Hume’s epistemology. Loeb’s case is so compelling indeed that anyone who wants to defend an alternative interpretation will now have to assimilate or deflect the massive (...)
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    New Perspectives on Renaissance Thought: Essays in the History of Science, Education and Philosophy : in Memory of Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt - 1990 - Bloomsbury Academic.
  14. Heidegger and Schmitt: A Letter.Carl Schmitt - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 72:132.
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  15. Simon Joseph (Gabriel) Schmitt. Mönch der Aufklärungszeit, französischer Funktionär, Deutscher Beamter, Dozent der Philosophie und Gutsbesitzer.Robert Karl Ludwig Schmitt - 1966 - (Koblenz,: Hohenzollernstr. 1, Selbstverlag).
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  16. Socializing Epistemology: The Social Dimensions of Knowledge.Frederick F. Schmitt (ed.) - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Socializing Epistemology: An Introduction through Two Sample Issues Frederick F. Schmitt Social epistemology is the conceptual and normative study of the ...
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    Aristotelismus und Renaissance: in Memoriam Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt & Eckhard Kessler (eds.) - 1988 - Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz.
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    Die unbedingte Forderung: eine philosophisch -anthropologische Rekonstruktion sittlicher Imperative / Gregor Schmitt.Gregor Schmitt - 2020 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Wie ist es philosophisch zu erklären, dass Menschen frei und selbstbestimmt Entscheidungen treffen, die durch das klassische Begründungsmuster der Eigennützlichkeit und Selbsterhaltung unverständlich bleiben? Der Autor rekonstruiert und erweitert mit seiner neuartigen Konzeption - der autoeidetischen Struktur - Möglichkeitsbedingungen der praktischen Vernunft. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die eigene Existenz. Das Streben nach Selbsttreue bedingt das Wollen des Gesollten. Urteil und Praxis werden hierdurch nachvollziehbar zu Bedingungen gelingenden Lebens."--Publisher's website.
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    Lebenslinien, Lebensziele, Lebenskunst: Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Wolfram Schmitt.Wolfgang Schmitt, Dietrich von Engelhardt & Hermes A. Kick (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Lit Verlag.
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  20. Volker Neumann Entzauberung des Rechts? Franz Neumann und Carl Schmitt.Warum Carl Schmitt - 2009 - In Samuel Salzborn, Kritische Theorie des Staates: Staat und Recht bei Franz L. Neumann. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 79.
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    Political Romanticism.Carl Schmitt - 1991 - MIT Press.
    Carl Schmitt, the author of such books as Political Theology and The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy, was one of the leading political and legal theorists of the twentieth century. His critical discussions of liberal democratic ideals and institutions continue to arouse controversy, but even his opponents concede his uncanny sense for the basic problems of modern politics. Political Romanticism is a historical study that, like all of Schmitt's major works, offers a fundamental political critique. In it, he defends (...)
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    Hume’s Epistemology in the Treatise: A Veritistic Interpretation.Frederick F. Schmitt - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Frederick F. Schmitt offers a new account of Hume's epistemology in A Treatise of Human Nature, which alternately manifests scepticism, empiricism, and naturalism. Critics have emphasised one of these positions over the others, but Schmitt argues that they can be reconciled by tracing them to an underlying epistemology of knowledge and probability.
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    Roman Catholicism and political form.Carl Schmitt - 1996 - Praeger.
    A translation of Carl Schmitt's classic explanation of the nature and historical/sociological significance of political Catholicism.
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  24. The Leviathan in the state theory of Thomas Hobbes: meaning and failure of a political symbol.Carl Schmitt - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by George Schwab.
    One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both Nazi sympathizer and modern-day Thomas Hobbes. First published in 1938, The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes used the Enlightenment philosopher’s enduring symbol of the protective Leviathan to address the nature of modern statehood. A work that predicted the demise of the Third Reich and that still holds relevance in today’s security-obsessed society, this volume (...)
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    Gespräche mit Carl Schmitt.Joachim Schickel & Carl Schmitt - 1993
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    Glossarium.Carl Schmitt, Yuri Korinets & Alexander Filippov - 2013 - Russian Sociological Review 12 (2):55-65.
    Carl Schmitt kept diaries throughout his life, several of which he specifically selected for academic publication. These are the recordings made in the early years after World War II, when Schmitt lost all his positions. After his release from the prison he returned to his home in small town of Plettenberg, where he remained until his death. Schmitt ordered these diaries to be published only after his death, because, even several decades after the war, they remained ideologically (...)
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    The Concept of the Political: Expanded Edition.Carl Schmitt, Tracy B. Strong & Leo Strauss - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this, his most influential work, legal theorist and political philosopher Carl Schmitt argues that liberalism’s basis in individual rights cannot provide a reasonable justification for sacrificing oneself for the state—a critique as cogent today as when it first appeared. George Schwab’s introduction to his translation of the 1932 German edition highlights Schmitt’s intellectual journey through the turbulent period of German history leading to the Hitlerian one-party state. In addition to analysis by Leo Strauss and a foreword by (...)
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  28. Contingent Grounding.Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4561-4580.
    A popular principle about grounding, “Internality”, says that if A grounds B, then necessarily, if A and B obtain, then A grounds B. I argue that Internality is false. Its falsity reveals a distinctive, new kind of explanation, which I call “ennobling”. Its falsity also entails that every previously proposed theory of what grounds grounding facts is false. I construct a new theory of what grounds grounding: the ennobling theory.
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    Aristotle and the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 1983 - Cambridge: Published for Oberlin College by Harvard University Press.
    This cogent essay explores a hitherto unstudied aspect of Renaissance intellectual history and refines our understanding of the impact of Greek philosophy on Western thought. It is generally recognized that Aristotle was a touchstone for the learned world in the Middle Ages. Charles Schmitt shows here that what happened in the following centuries was not a mere continuation of the medieval tradition but a vital new development, influenced by the ideas of this era of ferment. He samples the response (...)
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    The guardian of the constitution: Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on the limits of constitutional law.Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt & Lars Vinx (eds.) - 2015 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume provides the first English translation of Hans Kelsen's and Carl Schmitt's influential Weimar-era debate on constitutional guardianship and the legitimacy of constitutional review. It includes Kelsen's seminal piece, 'The Nature and Development of Constitutional Adjudication', as well as key extracts from the 'Guardian of the Constitution' which present Schmitt's argument against constitutional review. Also included are Kelsen's review of Schmitt's 'Guardian of the Constitution', as well as some further material by Kelsen and Schmitt on (...)
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    Truth: A Primer.Frederick F. Schmitt - 1995 - Westview Press.
    The concept of truth lies at the heart of philosophy; whether one approaches it from epistemology or metaphysics, from the philosophy of language or the philosophy of science or religion, one must come to terms with the nature of truth.In this brisk introduction, Frederick Schmitt covers all the most important historical and contemporary theories of truth. Along the way he also sheds considerable light on such closely related issues as realism and idealism, absolutism and relativism, and the nature of (...)
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    Legality and Legitimacy.Carl Schmitt & Alexander Filippov - 2013 - Russian Sociological Review 12 (3):76-92.
    This is a translation of the afterword of Legality and Legitimacy, rewritten by Carl Schmitt in 1958 for his collection Verfassungsrechtliche Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1924–1954. In the afterword, Schmitt once again describes the situation in Germany in the early 1930’s, and argues against the influential German lawyers who rejected his interpretation of the Weimar Constitution. He rejects the wide-spread opinion that he wanted a state of emergency in Germany to be introduced, and insists that this book was (...)
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  33. Thing causation.Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2024 - Noûs 58 (4):1050-1072.
    According to orthodoxy, the most fundamental kind of causation involves one event causing another event. I argue against this event‐causal view. Instead, the most fundamental kind of causation is thing causation, which involves a thing causing a thing to do something. Event causation is reducible to thing causation, but thing causation is not reducible to event causation, because event causation cannot accommodate cases of fine‐grained causation. I defend my view from objections, including C. D. Broad's influential “timing” argument, and I (...)
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    Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology.Frederick F. Schmitt & Ernest Sosa - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (3):421.
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  35. Supererogation and the Limits of Reasons.Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt & Daniel Munoz - 2023 - In David Heyd, Handbook of Supererogation. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 165-180.
    We argue that supererogation cannot be understood just in terms of reasons for action. In addition to reasons, a theory of supererogation must include prerogatives, which can make an action permissible without counting in favor of doing it.
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  36. Who Cares About Winning?Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):248-265.
    Why do we so often care about the outcomes of games when nothing is at stake? There is a paradox here, much like the paradox of fiction, which concerns why we care about the fates and threats of merely fictional beings. I argue that the paradox threatens to overturn a great deal of what philosophers have thought about caring, severing its connection to value and undermining its moral weight. I defend a solution to the paradox that draws on Kendall Walton's (...)
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  37. Knowledge and Belief.Frederick F. Schmitt - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    Knowledge, from Plato onwards, has been considered in relation to justified belief. Current debate has centred around the nature of the justification and whether justified belief can be considered an internal or extenal matter. Epistemological internalists argue that the subject must be able to reflect upon a belief to complete the process of justification. The externalists, on the other hand, claim that it is only necessary to consider whether the belief is reliably formed, and argue that the ability to know (...)
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    The Nomos of the earth.Carl Schmitt - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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    An Introduction to Metaphysics.Richard Schmitt - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (4):553.
    Review of Martin Heidegger, An Introduction to Metaphysics.
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  40. Socializing epistemology: An introduction through two sample issues.Frederick Schmitt - 1994 - In Frederick F. Schmitt, Socializing Epistemology: The Social Dimensions of Knowledge. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 1--28.
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  41. Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality.Frederick F. Schmitt, Gary Ebbs, Margaret Gilbert, Sally Haslanger, Kevin Kimble, Ron Mallon, Seumas Miller, Philip Pettit, Abraham Sesshu Roth, John Searle, Raimo Tuomela & Edward Witherspoon - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited by Frederick F. Schmitt.
    Socializing Metaphysics supplies diverse answers to the basic questions of social metaphysics, from a broad array of voices. It will interest all philosophers and social scientists concerned with mind, action, or the foundations of social theory.
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  42. The Age of Neutralizations and Depoliticizations.Carl Schmitt - 1993 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1993 (96):130-142.
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  43. Sociosexuality from argentina to zimbabwe: A 48-nation study of sex, culture, and strategies of human mating.David P. Schmitt - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):247-275.
    The Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI; Simpson & Gangestad 1991) is a self-report measure of individual differences in human mating strategies. Low SOI scores signify that a person is sociosexually restricted, or follows a more monogamous mating strategy. High SOI scores indicate that an individual is unrestricted, or has a more promiscuous mating strategy. As part of the International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP), the SOI was translated from English into 25 additional languages and administered to a total sample of 14,059 people (...)
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  44. Supervenience arguments under relaxed assumptions.Johannes Schmitt & Mark Schroeder - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (1):133 - 160.
    When it comes to evaluating reductive hypotheses in metaphysics, supervenience arguments are the tools of the trade. Jaegwon Kim and Frank Jackson have argued, respectively, that strong and global supervenience are sufficient for reduction, and others have argued that supervenience theses stand in need of the kind of explanation that reductive hypotheses are particularly suited to provide. Simon Blackburn's arguments about what he claims are the specifically problematic features of the supervenience of the moral on the natural have also been (...)
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  45. Justification, sociality, and autonomy.Frederick F. Schmitt - 1987 - Synthese 73 (1):43 - 85.
    Theories of epistemically justified belief have long assumed individualism. In its extreme, or Lockean, form individualism rules out justified belief on testimony by insisting that a subject is justified in believing a proposition only if he or she possesses first-hand justification for it. The skeptical consequences of extreme individualism have led many to adopt a milder version, attributable to Hume, on which a subject is justified in believing a proposition only if he or she is justified in believing that there (...)
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  46. The rediscovery of ancient skepticism in modern times.Charles B. Schmitt - 1983 - In Myles Burnyeat, The Skeptical Tradition. University of California Press. pp. 225--251.
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  47. Testimonial Justification and Transindividual Reasons.Frederick F. Schmitt - 2006 - In Jennifer Lackey & Ernest Sosa, The epistemology of testimony. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 193--224.
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  48. The Assurance View of Testimony.Frederick F. Schmitt - 2008 - In Duncan Pritchard, Alan Millar & Adrian Haddock, Social Epistemology. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 216--242.
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    A Realist Conception of Truth.Frederick F. Schmitt - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (4):617.
    Alston begins his exposition of the realist conception of truth in chapter 1 with a roughly Aristotelian formulation: “A statement is true if and only if what the statement says to be the case actually is the case”. This condition has the drawback that it defines truth via illocutionary acts; yet, as Alston argues, propositions are the most basic truth-bearers. Alston therefore turns to the universalized T-schema for a condition that characterizes the truth of propositions without mentioning illocutionary acts: “ (...)
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    Die Tyrannei der Werte.Carl Schmitt - 1979 - Hamburg: Lutherisches Verlagshaus. Edited by Eberhard Jüngel & Sepp Schelz.
    Schmitt, C. Die Tyrannei der Werte.--Jüngel, E. Wertlose Wahrheit.--Schelz, S. Der Wert als ideologischer Begriff.
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